Past Event

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In collaboration with the Student Wellness Centre and Campus Life, the OCAD Student Union are excited to invite you to Mental Health March! Featuring a Drop In Colour and De-Stress session, Community Info Fair, and in-person and virtual yoga classes, Mental Health March is designed to give you a small break from the stress of midterms, and provide resources and support from various departments at OCAD U!

SWC Colouring Session, facilitated by Dean Davis 

Where: Lobby of 100 McCaul

When: Monday March 21st from 11am - 2pm

Mental Health March Community Fair

Where: Lobby of 100 McCaul

When: Tuesday March 22nd from 11am - 3pm



Yoga Nidra guided by Leeay Aikawa

March 16, 7 to 7:45 p.m. ET


March 28, 12 to 12:45 p.m. ET

How to prepare: comfortable wear, yoga mat/towel, pillows and cushions, blanket and eye pillow if you have one.


Mindfulness and all-levels yoga asana with Leeay Aikawa

March 23 and April 6 - 7 to 7:45 p.m.

Bring your own yoga mat or towel and “yoga wear”.

We hope to see you there!